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  • unique-insulation-system

    Insulating a container is trickier than a normal home, due to the limited width and the fully welded corrugated metal walls. To prevent condensation (a precursor to mould growth), moisture must NOT come into contact with the internal metal surface.

    To achieve this, we CNC-cut cured PUR blocks into the same profile as the metal wall in order to fill in the corrugations, followed by flat PUR panels, usually between 35 and 70mm. As a result, the PUR acts as a vapour barrier between the container wall and the interior space, maximising thermal and sound insulation whilst eliminating the internal metal surface’s exposure to moisture. We choose PUR for its vapour resistance and the superior insulating performance compared to EPS and other materials.

  • heat-recovery-ventilation-system

    For ventilation, we use Heat Recovery Ventilation (or HRV), which can retain up to 85% of thermal energy while bringing in fresh filtered air in exchange with stagnant air. So on a cold winter night, you can keep warm with all the windows shut, and still be able to enjoy the fresh ventilated air, all from just 8W of power. The HRV also maintains a constant humidity level inside the home by eliminating excess moisture that’s generated by cooking, washing and breathing. Having a HRV helps make your home more energy efficient as it reduces the load on your air conditioning system, and most importantly, it ensures a healthy and comfortable living space.

  • underfloor-insulation

    Whilst overlooked by most people, not insulating the container oor can account up to 20% of heat loss in your container home. Underfloor insulation is part of our optional extras to maximise your thermal efficiency. The added benefits also include: termite and pest protection for the underoor, protect the underside against bushfire risk (which is one of the requirements on higher BAL rating).

    We use polyester to insulate under the floor for its moisture-resistance as well as being a recycled material.

  • toilet-odour-filter-system

    Panfan is a revolutionary, award winning product that eliminates toilet odour and the micro-organisms found in that odour.

    Designed and time tested for over 25 years, it is the most economical, effective and efficient method for toilet odour elimination: directly from the toilet pan. Unlike other extraction methods, Panfan removes the micro-organisms that cause odour directly from the bowl so you don’t have to breath them in before they are extracted from the room.

    The Panfan model used in Sonic Steel’s container homes is compact yet very practical and functional. Our previous clients have also found them to be one of the most essential features of their homes, which they love and appreciate very much.

Our insulation system ensures the durability and comfort of our container homes. The process involves CNC cutting polyurethane foam blocks into the same profiles as the container's corrugations and curing them for a minimum of 30 days. Galvanized steel strips or timber are used for fixtures, with electrical cables run inside the foam grooves. The wall finish can be plaster, fibre cement, or PVC foam, and everything is glued together using liquid polyurethane.

This insulation system eliminates air gaps while providing a thermal and vapor barrier to prevent condensation. To ensure proper ventilation, we use the Zehnder Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) system, which provides fresh air while keeping 85% of thermal energy with just 8 watts of energy. These insulation and ventilation systems work together to form the unique VenSulation system, ensuring a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment in the container homes.

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